Thursday, June 19, 2008


FOR TODAY (June 19, 2008)...

Outside My Window . . . Clouds are building. I hope it rains.

I am thinking... Today seems to be passing so quickly. I don't think I've accomplished as much as I'd hoped to.

I am thankful for... the air conditioner. It's very hot and muggy outside.

From the kitchen...Soon there will be the aroma of chicken and veggies baking with a few fresh herbs from the garden. YUM.

I am wearing...shorts, tee top, no shoes.

I am creating...listings for eBay. Too much stuff in our house.

I am going...NOWHERE.

I am reading...a guide for small group leaders for church.

I am hoping...for a quiet evening with my husband.

I am hearing...the dryer buzzing, telling me my laundry is dry.

Around the unfinished scrapbook page seems to be saying, "Hey, how 'bout me?"

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Finish filling out the Love Drawer packet from Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...Aren't tea parties fun? The girls in our family got together for this one last Fall. I think it's time for another one. Yep, definitely!

I'm so glad to be able to participate with the others in this Notebook entry. You can visit The Simple Woman's blog



Juri said...

The tea party looks like such fun! What a neat idea to get all the women of the family together! Thanks for sharing the picture.

And thank you for sharing your little fish...they are very happy in my pond!!


Farmhouse Blessings said...

I've never been to a tea party. It looks like such fun!


Meet Papa and Mimi

Thank you for visiting our blog. Hope you'll come back often and we can get to know one another through the magic of cyberspace.

I never dreamed that in my lifetime this kind of communication would come about. When I was in middle school, I thought the transistor radio was a miracle of science as I listened to the broadcast of the first manned space flight on my way to school.

I'm loving this blogging and look forward to the new people I will "meet" through it. Better than a transistor radio...