Monday, April 13, 2009

Not a Very Good Day

Today my mother was very weak and tired. At the cancer center, her blood counts were so low that she needed to go to the outpatient facility of the hospital to receive two units of blood and one of platelets. The time necessary for the blood transfusions to be given is more than seven hours! When I left the hospital today about 2 PM, she wasn't even close to being attached to the first unit of blood. And after she receives those, she will be given one unit of platelets, another two to three hours. She will definitely have a late night.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Oh dear. :-(

She is in our prayers.

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I never dreamed that in my lifetime this kind of communication would come about. When I was in middle school, I thought the transistor radio was a miracle of science as I listened to the broadcast of the first manned space flight on my way to school.

I'm loving this blogging and look forward to the new people I will "meet" through it. Better than a transistor radio...