Saturday, December 12, 2009
A Shopaholic I Am Not!
When I was young I looked forward to Christmas shopping because at that point in my life I enjoyed going from store to store looking for the best bargain and the perfect present for my husband or one of our children. I was young. I am now old. It's work to do what I did today, and I am exhausted. So, next year I plan to shop starting in September. Wait, that's what I said last year. And the year before. And the year bef...
I was hoping to find in cyberspace a cute image of a stressed shopper that I could add to this post. But I've been away from the blog for so long I can't remember how to do that!! And my granddaughter isn't available to help me. See, I told you I was old.
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Last Quarter

No, I'm not down to my last $.25, not yet at least. This is the last quarter of the year. That is hard to believe. I know all the Christmas letters you'll get (maybe even write) will say "Where has the year gone???" Well, I'm going to get a jump on those and say it now. Where has this year gone? How could October be here already?
Obviously time didn't pass more quickly this year than in any other year. We still have 24 hour days, 7 day weeks, etc. I think we just become so busy with life that our days seem to disappear and we stand back as if watching an express train fly through the station, mouths agape, wondering how it passed by so fast.
The Apostle Paul wrote this in the letter to the Ephesians:
"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."
That's my desire as 2009 races to its end. I want to be wise in how I live and take every opportunity to tell others the good news of Jesus. The days are not only evil but they are short, with no promise of tomorrow. This could be the last quarter. Be careful, be wise.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Is Fall Really Here??

I heard today that a cold front may push into this area tomorrow or Wednesday, bringing drier and cooler air. Could that be? Are we really that close to the end of this oppressively hot, muggy summer? The heat just wearies me.
My native Floridian soul is longing for a cool morning on my little porch with a cup of hot coffee and a dog at my feet. Ahhh. Just the thought of it lowers my blood pressure and pulse and puts a smile on my face.
Fall is my favorite season, and each year I can hardly wait for its arrival. Its signs are more subtle down here in the Sunshine State, but they are here: cardinal vine in full bloom, fuschia colored berries circling the stems of the Beauty Berry, yellow leaves dropping from the wild cherry trees. It is nothing like Vermont or even North Carolina, but there is color here in Autumn. You just have to know where to look. And you can see it best from the front porch, coffee in hand...
PS. The picture is definitely NOT Florida, but isn't it beautiful?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Finally Home
There are few words to adequately describe our gratitude for the staff at Hospice House in Hudson, and at the Hospice Care Center in Spring Hill. The doctors and nurses at both those facilities were such a comfort to Mother and to me. I am so grateful.
I will miss my mother, but I know that she is with Jesus. Thank you for your prayers for our family. I felt the peace of God, a perfect peace, as I sat in Mother's room on her last day here on earth. I'm confident that was because of the friends who were lifting me up in prayer, and I am grateful.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My prayer is that the loving Father will give her peace about coming home to spend eternity with Him, and that she will pass peacefully from this world. "For to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."
Monday, August 24, 2009
A Ride In The Ambulance
This picture was taken at Jordan's birthday party two months ago, when my mom was feeling pretty good. The cancer doctor saw signs of remission, and her overall health seemed to be improving. That has changed in the past two weeks because of a small blood clot in her leg, and an injury to her back caused when she decided to move her bed without asking for help. (She tends to be a little stubborn and independent. If you know my mom, you aren't surprised by that statement.) Those things had caused a lot of pain, forcing her to use a walker at home and the wheelchair when away from home.
Yesterday morning when I checked on my mom, I found her struggling to breathe. Her blood pressure and pulse were high and she was quite weak. I decided she needed to go to the hospital and called for paramedics. When they evaluated her, they told her she should take a ride with them. I think paramedics must take "Compassion 101" in their training, because they were so kind and gentle with her.
At the hospital a very sweet nurse named Barb cared for Mama. After blood tests, EKG, chest x-ray and other testing, the diagnosis is "extensive pneumonia in both lungs." When I left her she was sleeping, her heart rate and blood pressure near normal and her breathing less labored.
After I visit her this morning, I will update again. Thank you for praying for her.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Mimi, guess what...
We are just so delighted to be blessed with another grandchild, number six for us. God is truly the giver of life. Because our daughter miscarried about this time last year, we cannot help but think of that. We have committed this tiny little life, already known to God by name, into His keeping, and pray for safety and health.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Summer Doldrums

I didn't know it had been almost two months since my last posting. I think it's about time I get caught up.
My mom is definitely in remission. Her doctor told her last week that just looking at her blood tests, he wouldn't know she had anything wrong with her at all. I'm so grateful that God, through this doctor and cancer treatment center, has restored a good measure of health to her. She still continues treatment, but has more time off between chemo rounds than before. That gives a time of rest both to her and to me, the driver.
Our son continues to look for work. It is such a bad time to be unemployed, but at the same time, is exciting to watch how God will provide for him.
We had a wonderful family time for Independence Day. Todd and Jared, with help from friends, had the pool back up after the recent mishap and loss of water. So we swam, ate, swam some more, ate some more - you get the picture. I'm so thankful for the freedom to gather and celebrate with the people we love most.
Dan is better after the scare in church involving paramedics that happened three weeks ago. I pray God will be gracious and keep him here a very long time. We are monitoring his blood pressure, and I "nag" him to be careful as he works in the heat, to not overdo. My deep thanks for those of you who prayed for him, and who continue to pray for my mother.
My prayer is this: Lord, I want to make much of you in everything I do. So whether I'm rejoicing or disappointed, harried or calm, with others or alone, may I focus my heart on you and not on myself.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
We saw the cancer doctor on Monday of this week and he said again that he believes that my mother is in remission, that most people don't have the results she seems to be having until they have had 5 or 6 rounds of chemo. She just finished her second and the blood counts are very encouraging.
We skipped Spring in this part of Florida and have run head-long into full blown Summer. Boy, is it hot! And until this week we have had extremely dry weather. But the past two days it has rained here in our little corner of paradise, and we are so very grateful. God is faithful to provide our needs.
"For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth." Psalm 57:10-11
Monday, May 4, 2009
On Second Thought...
OK. I'm back. For now.
Today the doctor gave my mom a very encouraging report. Her blood counts were up to near normal range for the first time since she has been in treatment except for the platelet count - which IS in normal range. He was cautiously optimistic, saying that he will check her blood again in a week to make sure it isn't a fluke. But he believes that she is going into remission much earlier than he expected.
She still has no appetite and has to force herself to eat. (At this point I want to make it clear that this is not a problem that I share with her, although I wouldn't mind doing so for about, oh, twenty pounds!) So he wrote a prescription for a drug that will make her want to eat, and told her that it is "kind of expensive" and her insurance should cover it. Well, expensive is an understatement. The insurance company agreed to pay $321, which left her with a co-pay of - are you ready for this????? - $290 ADDITIONAL. I was dumbfounded! I don't know if she will have the pharmacist order it or not; that's up to her. That's just wrong!
This doctor told us that he is only the doctor, a tool used by God to help people. But God is the one who heals. I like this man.
So that's where we are today. Thank you again for praying for us.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Too Busy, Too Tired
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
One Really Bad Week
The doctor has determined that all this was a reaction to the injection she was given to boost white blood cell count, and he has switched her to something else. So far she seems to be tolerating that quite well.
It seems every day is the same as the one before - trip to the cancer center and/or the hospital for blood and/or platelet transfusion, followed by a long nap. She does seem to have more energy since that first drug was changed, but still has no stamina.
The journey is just beginning...count it all joy.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Not a Very Good Day
Friday, April 3, 2009
Treatment Started

Today completed the third day of the first 7-day cycle of IV treatments for my mother. Because this is only akin to chemotherapy, there are almost no side effects. She has been extremely tired and without energy, but we expected that. Because it is about 13 miles to the cancer center where she is being treated, this takes the biggest part of every morning, and she rests the remainder of the day. After the seventh day of IV's, there are 7 days of injections to help boost the health of her blood.
We will keep you informed of her progress and try to do so without being tedious. Thank you for praying for her.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
*She does have myelodysplasia, and it's serious. BUT...
*It is not leukemia.
*It can be treated with drugs similar to chemo, but without the side effects.
*This treatment will likely put her disease into remission.
*It will make her feel better, improve the health of her blood, and take stress off the heart.
*She does not need the care of Hospice at this point, but can continue with them for additional support. That is still to be decided.
*This is not a guarantee that she will recover. But it is a very promising outlook for improved health.
We are very happy with this doctor, who took at least 30 minutes with us, answering questions. He told her after he closed the door that until we had all the information we needed, she was his only patient. I like that. A lot.
We still rest in the unfailing love of the Father, and are so very grateful for what we learned today. Thank you for your prayers for our family.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I had never heard this word, didn't know it is a blood disease, didn't know that it leads to leukemia. I know now.
Just over a week ago my mother was admitted to the hospital to prepare her for a heart valve replacement operation. However, her platelet count was low and needed to be improved in order for surgery to be done. Through a bone marrow test it was discovered that she has myelodysplasia. It is in the process of becoming leukemia, and has been doing so for probably about two years.
Yesterday I brought Mother home under hospice care because this is an incurable disease. She will not recover from it. But she will go into the presence of the Lord when it claims her life.
God's Word brings our family great comfort.
II Corinthians 5:1 "Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands."
I Thessalonians 4:13 "Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope."
Our hope is in the faithfulness of the eternal God; in Jesus, who defeated death on the cross; in the Holy Spirit who sustains us.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
He Knows My Name
Or the extremely repetitive theme music for the ride in the amusement park, the one that plays approximately 72 times during a 4 minute ride (OK, I'm exaggerating just a bit.), where you want to get out of the little boat and swim to the exit. I'm not naming parks or rides, but you all know which one I mean, don't you?
This is not one of those songs. This is a song that has been in my mind the past two weeks as I've prayed for my friend and her family during the loss of their son. I have been reminded of the limitless love of God to me, beginning before I was born. To think that this God, Creator and Sustainer of the universe knows my name and loves me just blows my mind!
Be sure you turn off my playlist so you can hear this song. Hope you love it too.
Monday, February 23, 2009
What is your life?
My heart is broken for my friend and her family, and I can't imagine the pain they feel. She told me that it is the worst thing she has ever had to face. What they hold on to is their trust in God through Jesus Christ in all things.
After hearing this news, and being a mother, my thoughts turned to my own children and grandchildren. I was reminded to cherish my time with them because none of us knows when death will come. Scripture says that life is just a vapor that appears for a little time and then is gone.
All of us who knew this young man and his family are shocked. However, his death did not take God by surprise. And because Andy had put his trust in Jesus Christ, he is absent from the body but present with the Lord. What a comfort!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
Well, this morning it is 17 degrees here! We knew the forecast was for low 20's in our area, but when that happened before 11 PM, I told my husband that I would turn on the water at the kitchen sink to a trickle so the pipes would not freeze. (It usually works!) When I went back to check on it after an hour or so, there was no water running. The pipes were already frozen.
Fortunately, we still had a gallon of water in our hurricane supplies from last year and were able to give drinking water to the dogs and cats. But more importantly, I was able to make coffee. Yeah, gotta start the day out right, especially when it's this cold.
Now, I'm a Florida native, as were my parents and grandparents. Unlike them, I really like cold weather, so I'm not complaining about this cold snap. And it won't last long. We say that in Florida there are two seasons: Summer and two days of Winter. Just kidding. We also have Spring and Fall for two days each. (Wink, wink)
Wherever you are, stay warm. It's cold outside.
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Outside My Window...It's sunny, but for Florida, it's cold!
I am thinking...about all the things I need to get done before the day is over.
I am thankful warm, snug house.
From the kitchen...a Cuban dish called Picadillo. January is missions emphasis at church and tonight is the international dinner.
I am wearing...short sleeved t-shirt, sweat pants, warm socks.
I am creating... scrapbook pages. I say that almost every time, don't I?
I am finish this and then get back to my "to do" list.
I am reading... Soul Survivor by Phil Yancey. WOW! Great book.
I am hoping... to get my closet cleaned this weekend. Too much stuff!
I am hearing... my washer and dryer, my snoring dog. How can he sleep all day, fall asleep beside me on the couch in the evening, then get into his bed and sleep all night?????
Around the is quiet. I love quiet.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Take supper tomorrow to some friends who have a major illness to deal with. Hmmmm. What to fix????
I'm so glad to be able to participate with the others in this Notebook entry. You can visit The Simple Woman's blog
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Number One Resolution
Our church is among many across the country that is offering a 13-week program to help families do just that, become debt free. It is called Financial Peace University and is designed and taught via DVD by Dave Ramsey. It gives participants the information and tools they need to get their finances under control. It is an awesome program, and I recommend it to everyone, even if you don't have a lot of debt.
There isn't enough space here to tell you all that is covered in the lessons. Go to, enter your zip code, and find a class near you. Then sign up and go. You won't be sorry.
Meet Papa and Mimi
Thank you for visiting our blog. Hope you'll come back often and we can get to know one another through the magic of cyberspace.
I never dreamed that in my lifetime this kind of communication would come about. When I was in middle school, I thought the transistor radio was a miracle of science as I listened to the broadcast of the first manned space flight on my way to school.
I'm loving this blogging and look forward to the new people I will "meet" through it. Better than a transistor radio...