Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Taking Inventory

Everywhere you look, from newspaper artricles to television specials, you see the lists that always show up this time of year. You know the lists I mean: The Best of 2008; The Worst of 2008; The Weirdest of 2008, etc. I get so tired of them, and refuse to read or view them. But I have to admit that making a list at the end of the year isn't such a bad idea.

I think I will make my own list tomorrow, on New Year's Day. I want to remind myself of the good things from the past year, things given to me so lovingly by my Heavenly Father. Not all of those things would be considered good by many people, but they ultimately work for good in my life.

It's good to take inventory. Count your blessings. Count it pure joy. (James 1:2-4) Count yourselves dead to sin. (Romans 6:11) Count God's thoughts. (Psalm 139:17-18) Count all things loss, for the sake of Christ. (Philippians 3:7-11)

There is little optimism for the new year from the talking heads on television news programs. But, God has not changed. He has things under control. And we, as His children, will see that as we look into His Word, and we can rejoice no matter what is going on around us. Let's enjoy life in this new year. Laugh with others and at ourselves. Look for the good things. Have a tea party.

Happy New Year, friends.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas???

Today is Christmas. Traditionally, we go to our daughter's house about 8 AM and open gifts together while sipping coffee or hot chocolate and munching on sweet rolls. But this year is anything but traditional. The above picture, taken when we were decorating my tree this year, has healthy kids hamming it up for the camera. Today is a different day!

A "bug" has invaded Todd and Tracee's house, and they are in various stages of illness: just getting over it, completely sick, or just coming down with it. YIKES! It's a major germ house. We tried to decide how to spend Christmas together without spreading The Yukkies to everyone in the family, and there isn't a good solution.

So, we watched via webcam as the kids opened the gifts that were under their tree. Later, we will take our gifts for them outside and have an open-air gift exchange, possibly reducing the chance of contamination as they open them. (Yes, we can do that, because it is once again hot in Florida for Christmas. In fact, we are using the air conditioner today.) Our Christmas dinner will probably be postponed until Saturday.

Is this disappointing? Yes, because we had planned for this day and always have so much fun together. But, I think of all the men and women serving in the armed forces who are separated from their families. They are willingly sacrificing time with those they love in order to help protect us. And there are many who can't share Christmas with their families because they have answered the call to missions and are sharing the story of Jesus in another country. Some can't go home for Christmas because of financial struggles, or illness, or other challenges. Others have lost loved ones this past year, and don't feel like celebrating at all.

This interruption of our Christmas plans is truly small. We will work it out. I'm so thankful for how God has blessed our family, and changing our plans is not a biggie.

Merry Christmas, everyone, and a blessed New Year.

Friday, November 14, 2008


We have been so blessed to have children who love and honor us, and who desire to live a life pleasing to God. They made the choice to seek after God when they were young. Our prayer for them has always been that they be godly and that they would find godly spouses. Our son, who is still single, continues to wait on the Lord for the answer to that prayer.

Our daughter, Tracee, has been married to Todd for almost nineteen years. Today is his birthday and I want to honor him as he turns 39. So, here goes.

Todd, you are a blessing to Dad and me in so many ways. We see you grow in your walk with Jesus and know that you desire to live for Him. You have matured as a husband to our "little girl" and as a father to the J's. You are so helpful to us as tech support for computer problems, tv glitches, and cell phone programming. And you can repair almost anything, analyze what is wrong with an engine no matter the size - car, mower, weed eater, air conditioner - and make it run again most of the time. Heavy lifting, you're there. Moving stuff, you're there. Building, tearing down, cleaning up - there. We depend on you for so much help, and thank you for always being there for us.

Most of all, we are so very grateful that you love Tracee and work so hard to provide for your family. You love Jared, Jessie, Juliana, Jacob and Jordan. And we know that you love us.

When you came to Dad and asked for permission to marry Tracee, remember what he said? He gave you a list of several things he thought you should improve on before he gave you an answer. Many young men would have bristled at the idea, been offended at the suggestion, and ignored what he said. But not you. You addressed everything on that list, and a few months later became our son-in-law.

We have weathered a few storms together as a family, and we have grown to love you as a son. We wouldn't trade you for anyone, and pray for you and for your family daily.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and much love from Dad and Mom II
PS. For anyone who is reading this blog and wonders about the picture - no, Todd cannot play the piano. But he fakes it well in a picture.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


FOR TODAY (October 28, 2008)...

Outside My Window . . . I see a few yellow leaves on a wild cherry tree. They are moving in the breeze on this beautiful fall day in Florida.

I am thinking... that the day has gone by very quickly, and I didn't get everything done that I had hoped to do today.

I am thankful for... the beautiful place we live. So thankful!

From the kitchen... the wonderful aroma of chicken and rice cooking for dinner.

I am wearing... jeans, tunic top, no shoes.

I am creating... a new scrapbook page with photos from this time last year.

I am going... nowhere. I've already been today for groceries.

I am reading... The Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey. EXCELLENT book. I highly recommend it to everyone.

I am hoping... the cool weather will continue. It's nice to not be running the air conditioner.

I am hearing... snoring dog, curled up by my desk.

Around the house... my dinner is waiting for finishing touches.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week. . . prepare for my sister's stay with me during our mother's heart surgery next week.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Isn't it romantic? This is from the recent cruise we were on (see previous post) to the Caribbean. And there's nobody I'd rather have shared it with than my sweet husband.

I'm so glad to be able to participate with the others in this Notebook entry. You can visit The Simple Woman's blog

Monday, October 27, 2008

God's Faithfulness

After saving and planning for almost a year, Dan and I were privileged to recently go on a cruise to the Caribbean. What a great vacation!! The food, the pampering, the opportunity to rest - all wonderful. And then there's the sunrise. Sunrise over the ocean has no competition from streetlights or landscape. It's just water and light, and it is an awesome reminder of the faithfulness of God.

Max Lucado is one of my favorite writers, and he is truly gifted by God to convey spiritual truth in a manner that is easy to read and understand. He wrote this in his book, A Gentle Thunder:

"God's faithfulness has never depended on the faithfulness of his children. He is faithful even when we aren't. When we lack courage, he doesn't. He has made a history out of using people in spite of people. I simply think God is greater than our weakness. In fact, I think it is our weakness that reveals how great God is."

The news is filled with accounts of faith-LESS-ness in every area of life, from the people in our neighborhoods to those in Washington. Weakness. Lack of courage. If our trust is in other people -or in ourselves - we will certainly be disappointed. BUT, God is always faithful. Scripture is filled with assurances of this truth. In the midst of great affliction, Jeremiah wrote, "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning: great is your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:21-23.

Whatever happens in the world, my confidence rests with The Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, The Ever Faithful Creator and Sustainer of the universe, whose mercies are new every morning.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Something For The Birds

One of my great joys in life is watching birds in my yard. I'm not one of those "bird nerds" who dresses in Indiana Jones clothes, straps my field guide to my belt and goes to bird watching places around the world, my only weapons a camera and binoculars. (Sorry, nerds.) I'm content with the ones that come to my yard. I entice them with black oil sunflower seeds and Marvel Meal, all the while hoping that they don't fall prey to The Brothers Stealth-Cat, Pierre and Sylvester.

Let me share with you the recipe for this wonderful concoction that turns ordinary birds into peanut butter junkies. First though, the instructions for making the feeder.
*1 hardwood limb, at least 3" around (we used oak), length of your choosing
*1 screw-eye
*Power drill with paddle bit to make a hole 1" across
Make holes in the limb at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock, staggered around so the holes aren't opposite each other. Drill a starter hole for the screw-eye and put it into the top of the limb for hanging. (I hope this makes sense. Email me if it doesn't.)

*4 cups plain, not self-rising, corn meal
*1 cup all purpose flour, not self-rising
*1 cup peanut butter (I use chunky)
*1 cup vegetable shortening
Mix with electric mixer until the consistency of cookie dough, and store in the refrigerator. To use, fill each hole on the Limb Feeder with this PB mixture. By the way, the recipe is not original. It came from a Birds and Blooms magazine several years ago.

You will love the assortment of birds attracted by this stuff. One day last week as I drank my coffee on the porch, I saw Downy Woodpecker, Red Bellied Woodpecker, Chickadee, Titmouse, Cardinal, Carolina Wren and Blue Jay. Three other birds that usually don't visit feeders but also love Marvel Meal: Brown Thrasher, Towhee, and Eastern Bluebird. And in the winter, the Goldfinches and Sparrows that vacation here literally fight for space on the feeder. The birds will sit in the tree where the feeder hangs, right above me while I fill the holes - as though saying, "What took you so long? We've been waiting."

Happy birdie watching, everyone. I'd love to know what results you get from this little project.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Gateway to the West

St. Louis, the Gateway to the West. It was the stopping off place for many a pioneer as the West was being opened. During World War II, it was a transfer spot for GI's on their way to serve our country. But wait, you may be saying, the Statue of Liberty is in New York. Let me assure you - I am not confused.

Last week I had the great privilege of being in St. Louis for my travel company's annual convention. It was my first time in that city, and probably my first in Missouri. The weather was warm but beautiful, the people friendly, and the convention awesome. There were more than 18,000 people from my company, YTB, at the convention. Taking center stage was a near life-size replica of Lady Liberty that had been commissioned by the company, manufactured in Illinois, shipped in pieces to St. Louis, and assembled for the convention. This beautiful statue was just 21 feet shorter than the original, only because an exact replica would not fit into the Edward Jones Dome. At the end of the convention, she was disassembled and shipped back to Illinois, where she will have a permanent home. All I can say is, "Wow!"

The highlight of the trip, outside of the convention, was going to the St. Louis Zoo. I just wish I had had more time to spend there. My favorite part was the butterfly house, with an amazing assortment of butterflies from around the world. I could have spent an hour there just watching these beautiful creatures move. Seeing them from a Biblical perspective, that God is an all wise Designer and Creator, made me take notice of the diversity in just this one part of nature, God's creation.

Of course we visited the famous St. Louis Arch and learned how it was engineered and constructed. People said it could not be done, that it was impossible to build such a structure, that it would not stand the test of time. But it was built and it continues to stand. All of us have naysayers in our lives who tell us that things we want to do are impossible. They speak the loudest and most often. They seem to be full-time dream squashers. Negative people. Let's not listen to them. We will continue to love them, but tune out the things they say. That was my lesson from my trip.

I'm so glad I was able to go, but am delighted to be back in my little country home. Give me the simple life, with little splashes of adventure thrown in, and I'm a happy girl.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Consistency? What's that?

When I was in high school - yes, they had them back then - keeping a diary was all the rage. I heard friends talking about theirs, how they hid them from their mothers and little brothers, how they wrote their deepest secrets in them. So I started one. I wrote in it a few times, and kept it locked and in the back of my closet. I really didn't have any shameful secrets to write about, thankfully, and found it difficult to find ANYTHING to put in it most days. So I skipped a lot of entries, then just stopped altogether. I don't even know what happened to that diary.

After our daughter, Tracee, was born, I started a journal (sounds more grown up than "diary") that I planned to give to her one day so that she would know what her childhood was like. I think I lasted about two months. I'm seeing a pattern here.

Now I find myself pressed to make time for blogging. It's hard to find anything to write about that might be remotely interesting to anyone else. Is this hard for anyone else???

So, as old-time story tellers used to say, the moral of the story is this. I'm reminded that I am a waverer, not completely reliable, inconsistent, in many areas of my life. I want to be more disciplined, but not to the point of becoming so predictable that I'm boring. (Ever know anyone like that?) I desire consistency. I find such consistency not in me, but in the Savior I serve. "Remember your leaders, who spoke the Word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:7,8 What a fantastic truth. Me? Not consistent. Jesus? ALWAYS CONSISTENT. NEVER CHANGING. ALWAYS HERE WITH ME.

Now that's worth writing about!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A visit from a friend...

Today a long time friend came to my house for lunch. We've been friends for more than 25 years and live less than 20 miles apart. But we usually never get together more than two or three times a year. This year has been different, though. We saw each other about eight weeks ago, also for lunch.

I thought after she left what a refreshment to my spirit her visit was. We ate chicken, pasta salad, watermelon, and blueberry cobbler. We drank iced tea and laughed. Talked about her trip to the mountains planned for this Fall.

You know how it is, ladies, when you get to spend time with a friend who encourages you, loves you with all your flaws, genuinely likes being with you. (And I think it is a girl thing that men just don't understand completely.)

Paul, the Apostle, mentions the mutual encouragement of believers in several of his New Testament letters. Romans 1:11-12 "I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong - that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith." That is what happened today. Each was encouraged by the other. Built up. Edified.

I'm so grateful for the friends I have been blessed to have. But wait, there's more. The God of the universe counts me His friend! That is almost too much to grasp. But He does. Jesus said, "I no longer call you servants...instead I have called you friends." John 15:14-17. And better yet, He will never leave me. Never. Ever.

Awesome truth from an Awesome God.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


FOR TODAY (June 19, 2008)...

Outside My Window . . . Clouds are building. I hope it rains.

I am thinking... Today seems to be passing so quickly. I don't think I've accomplished as much as I'd hoped to.

I am thankful for... the air conditioner. It's very hot and muggy outside.

From the kitchen...Soon there will be the aroma of chicken and veggies baking with a few fresh herbs from the garden. YUM.

I am wearing...shorts, tee top, no shoes.

I am creating...listings for eBay. Too much stuff in our house.

I am going...NOWHERE.

I am reading...a guide for small group leaders for church.

I am hoping...for a quiet evening with my husband.

I am hearing...the dryer buzzing, telling me my laundry is dry.

Around the unfinished scrapbook page seems to be saying, "Hey, how 'bout me?"

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Finish filling out the Love Drawer packet from Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...Aren't tea parties fun? The girls in our family got together for this one last Fall. I think it's time for another one. Yep, definitely!

I'm so glad to be able to participate with the others in this Notebook entry. You can visit The Simple Woman's blog


Monday, June 9, 2008


FOR TODAY (June 9, 2008)...

Outside My Window . . .A female cardinal is having a breakfast of black oil sunflower seeds, wet from last night's rain.

I am thinking... about my friend, Cora, and the scary week she is facing.

I am thankful for... the fellowship of believers, and for our church family.

From the kitchen... nothing yet except the aroma of the now empty coffee pot.

I am wearing... shorts, tee top and flip flops.

I am creating... scrapbook pages - from 2001! I don't know how, but these pictures were overlooked for, well, seven years.

I am going... to run errands this morning, as many as possible on one trip to conserve the liquid gold that now goes into the gas tank.

I am reading... Developing the Leader Within You, by John Maxwell

I am hoping
... to be back home before noon today.

I am hearing... my little 10 pound, 8 year-old poodle snoring beside my desk. He loves being near me.

Around the house
... there are sandy little boy footprints that need to be vacuumed up. Jacob was here this morning helping me with a chore so that he could earn spending money for Kids' Grace Camp next week. I love that!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... make calls for my travel business and have Jessie, my almost-thirteen-year-old gradddaughter come for sleepover.

Here is picture thought I am sharing... "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." I Peter 1:24

I'm so glad to be able to participate with the others in this Notebook entry. You can visit The Simple Woman's blog HERE!


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our Garden

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Things are very different for growing a spring garden here in Florida. We have already harvested all the cucumbers and green beans that we will get from this garden, and it is only the first part of June. For the rest of the very hot, hot summer we can plant okra and Southern peas, like black eyes, crowders, purple hulls and creamers. We already are planning our fall garden and are converting to a square foot method, like the one Tracee has planted.
It was so rewarding two nights ago when the only thing on the table from the grocery store was the chicken, rice and salad dressing. The garden provided us with green beans, new potatoes and a salad of cukes and tomatoes with fresh herbs. I sooo love being a country girl.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

40 Years Today

I almost forgot that today is our anniversary. Because we were away last weekend to celebrate (and avoid being away on a holiday), it didn't occur to me until I picked up the cell phone to make a call and noticed the date. By that time, Dan and I had already been up for a couple of hours. We had sat together on our porch, me drinking coffee - he's a tea man - listening to the birds, petting the dogs and chatting. Ahhh. What a way to start the day.
My preacher husband has a favorite joke he's told many times. Goes something like this: Cheryl and I have been happily married forty years. She's been happy for ten years and I've been happy for thirty. Seriously, we have had a happy life together. Not without disagreements, testing, sickness, difficulty. But so filled with love; the blessing of children, and now grandchildren, who delight us; the opportunity to minister to others as unto the Lord; the privilege of those early mornings on the porch.
I'm so thankful to have been married to Dan four decades. He's a loving husband who has brought great wealth into my life. I'm a better person because of him.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Survey says...

The results are in for my survey asking what most people want to do after retirement. Six out of ten chose "travel the country." I know that's what I would choose if time and money were not a concern.

No matter where I am, at home or traveling, I am so encouraged to know that "the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." II Chron. 16:9

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A break in the drought...

We have been without rain for a number of weeks in our part of Florida, and it is obvious from the condition of lawns and pasture lands that a drought exists. But today we experienced a short reprieve from all that. It rained most of the morning! And though my feet got soaked as I ran to make a meeting, I didn't complain at all. What a blessing to have rain.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend Getaway

We just returned from a weekend in Orlando to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. How things have changed there during the past 4 decades! We were in Orlando for a couple of days on our honeymoon, pre-Disney days. Our motel then cost only - are you ready for this? - $12 a night. But it's good to remember that wages were also low back then. Dan's pay was only $75 a week. Puts things in perspective a little better.
We decided to go to the dinner show Arabian Nights, about which we had heard very good things. No matter where you are seated you have a good view of the show. The dinner was very good and the servers friendly and attentive. The horses are beautiful and the show appealing to all ages. You should go.
Our travels have brought us back to our little corner of paradise, and it's good to be home.
Papa 'n' Mimi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Opening day...

Like the beginning of baseball season, or the premier of a new movie or play, this is the first day that we have been "on the air" and ready for business.
This is the beginning of the busy season for Dan and Jared as they work the lawn business. The grass is still growing slowly due to unseasonably cool nights and dry weather. But they will soon be sweating a-plenty. I am busy with our travel business, teaching piano to the grandkids, and some responsibilities at church. We love our home in the country, our gardening and pets, and having our family close to us.
God is faithful.

Meet Papa and Mimi

Thank you for visiting our blog. Hope you'll come back often and we can get to know one another through the magic of cyberspace.

I never dreamed that in my lifetime this kind of communication would come about. When I was in middle school, I thought the transistor radio was a miracle of science as I listened to the broadcast of the first manned space flight on my way to school.

I'm loving this blogging and look forward to the new people I will "meet" through it. Better than a transistor radio...